OTHER PUBLICATIONS from Richard Bucher:
Building Cultural Intelligence; Nine Megaskills, Bucher (Prentice Hall, 2008)
Contributor, The Art of College Teaching: Twenty-Eight Takes , Kallet and Morgan (eds.), UT Press (Fall, 2005)
Editorial consultant on diversity, Keys to Effective Learning , Carter, Bishop, Kravits (Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2005)
Community College Times 10/14/2003 - "Benefits of Diversity Require Work, Consciousness"
“Relationships, Success, and Community College Students of Color,” Included in Sociology: Learning Climates that Cultivate Racial and Ethnic Diversity Jeffrey Chin et al. (eds.), (American Sociological Assoc. and American Assoc. for Higher Education, 2002)
Innovation Abstracts - "Diversity-Conscious Graduates" NISOD Innovation Abstracts, XXIII, 9, University of Texas at Austin, 2001
“Diversity Skills Are Newly Essential,” Community College Times, (Feb. 22, 2000)
“Institute for Intercultural Understanding,” Innovation Abstracts (National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development, 1996)
“Stereotyping,” Innovative Techniques for Teaching Sociological Concepts (American Sociological Assoc., 1993)
“Integrating Persons with Disabilities Into the College Curriculum,” Translating Disability: At the Individual, Institutional and Societal Levels (1993)
“White, Male Sociology: The Hidden Curriculum,” Community College Guide for Curriculum Change (1992)
“Selected Correlates of Perceptions of Black Militancy,” Western Journal of Black Studies (1986)