If Men Breastfed Their Babies

Why is breastfeeding in public an issue these days?  Some breastfeeding mothers continue to be harassed, humiliated, and made to feel guilty.  Recently, a Washington, D.C. mother was even accused of indecent exposure, by guards in a Federal Building no less.  For every mother that chooses to fight this kind of treatment, think of all the women who simply cover up and move somewhere else.  And how might this kind of treatment affect their desire to breastfeed?

I am reminded of an article by one of the early feminists, Gloria Steinem.  In this instructional piece (which I still use in my college class when we discuss gender inequality), she poses the question, “What if men could menstruate, and women could not?”  She then considers the social ramifications.  For instance, she suggests that sanitary supplies would be federally funded and free.  Having your period would become a positive, something to brag about in front of your friends.

Consider this.  If men breastfed their babies, they would naturally brag about how long their babies breastfeed and how much.  Naturally, it would become intensely competitive.  Laws prohibiting breastfeeding in public?  Forget it.  Men would have “breastfeeding parties,” get-togethers for support if you will.  Breastfeeding pumps and any other equipment would be sold below cost.  Men would send each other tweets, proclaiming the virtues of breastfeeding.  And the public would constantly be reminded of all that these breastfeeding men are sacrificing in order to provide their children with the best nutrition possible.   Anyone who suggested differently would be quickly “put in their place.”

And considering the time of year, any nominations for the “Breastfeeding Father of the Year?”


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One Response to If Men Breastfed Their Babies

  1. Ali says:

    I definitely agree with you. Why is being a male constituted for so many bias’s. I do not understand why men and women are treated completely different. Our world today seems to socially accept the bias and special treatment and it is not right. Does equality not mean anything anymore?

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